meta> funny shit: Current state of the sub episode 3: Revenge of the Cat Sith

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Current state of the sub episode 3: Revenge of the Cat Sith

It's that time again, where I sit down for like 10-15 minutes to try and write something intelligible concerning this sub.First and foremost, I assume that those of you who have been coming here for a while have noticed the new look. You can thank /u/iNeverQuiteWas for it. I know I'm grateful. Being unfamiliar with CSS and color blind, my attempts at a design were... Unique.Next, sub count. We're at 67k subs as of this writing, which is fucking absurd if you ask me. This is a niche joke cat sub. I'm glad people are enjoying it though. Still, I frequent many subs with fewer subscribers than this and it just feels so weird that I'm moderating an even bigger one, though one with much less activity, granted.Third, I want to reiterate what I've said a few times before. Basically, some people still get confused when their submission doesn't get accepted. That's because we have to be very discriminating so as to keep the feel of the sub. When people get linked here from another sub, my favorite response is always "What the fuck did I just browse?"I also want to bring up approved submitters. As many of you may know, the spam filter is set to maximum on this sub, not just because people post submissions which aren't "good enough", but because you would not believe the number of bots programmed to automatically post links to stores selling stuff with cat pictures on them on cat dedicated subs. So far, only one user, /u/Sariel007, is on the list besides the mods. However, if you want to be added to the list, feel free to ask. If you are submitting relevant content, I'll be glad to add you. I've received suggestions concerning setting up some things to filter bots more efficiently while reducing the spam filter strength, and I'll look into those.I don't think there is much else to say. As usual, thanks to /u/YhCHKN for assisting me with the moderation. If you have any comments and suggestions, feel free to post them here. via /r/thecatdimension

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