meta> funny shit: We're looking for new moderators!

Thursday, 5 July 2018

We're looking for new moderators!

We've had some departures in our team for personal reasons (farewell, old friends o7 ), so mod work has been creeping up on us lately and we thought it'd be as great a time as any to search for new mods.We aren't looking for any specific user profile (I joined when my account was barely 3 months old and with little activity, for example), so feel free to reply to the following questions in a comment below and we'll consider them all:Why do you want to moderate here?Are you active in /r/adviceanimals? Provide links if possible.Are there changes you'd like to see to the subreddit? Don't be afraid.Please elaborate on your experience if you wish.Do you have any skills (such as CSS) that we should know about?How active do you think you can be as a moderator?Test of meme competency: make 2 advice animals, one of which must be a Rich Raven.What's your favourite post here and why?How willing will you be to join us in Slack (or other communication program) so that we could chat between the mods?When are you most active on reddit? If you are willing, please give us your general location too (e.g. workday in Europe/evenings in the US).What's your position on the new reddit redesign?Anything else you'd like us to know?We're looking mostly for /new and comment moderators that are fairly active in the sub. If you're a CSS mod and can offer us a proposal for a redesign as well we'de be more than thrilled to hear you out, so please send us a modmail and we'd discuss it there.Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!~Your friendly moderation team at /r/AdviceAnimals via /r/AdviceAnimals

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